Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hulk Smash other puny movies!

I say, what a smashing good time! Though not as thoroughly entertaining as I found "Iron Man" to be, the new Hulk film is alot of fun. The Hulk's origin is known by anyone over the age of 5 so they plow through it during the opening credits, much to everyone's glee, meaning they can right into the awesomeness. And into it they did. We get to see the Hulk in all his smashy glory within the first 15 minutes of the movie!

The plot to the film is the basic Hulk storyline, Bruce Banner is on the run from General Ross while trying to rekindle his romance with Betty Ross. Nothing new here, just great fun to see it done right, with lots of fun action and fitting the Hulk into the new Marvel Movie Universe. Speaking of which, this film is not so much about the Hulk as it is about the government's former super soldier program that created Captain America back in the 40's. In fact, keep an eye on the newspaper Bruce is holding when on campus stalking Betty mid-film, the headline announces the discovery of a certain WWII hero recently discovered! Cha-ching! Next Marvel movie, please! Each of these films leads into the next and with the appearance of Tony Stark in this film (which I couldn't beleive half the nerdy looking people in the audience seemed shocked by) that heralds yet another clue as to the lineup of the up and coming "Avengers" movie. There was one other Marvel hero hinted at in this film when Hulk and Betty are in the caves, I'd talk more about it but my throat is getting thor.

This film was alot of fun but really feels like a bridge connecting "Iron Man" to the next films which will be "Thor", then "Captain America" bet even those are after "Iron Man II" and finally ending up with "The Avengers". Exciting times for long and lifetime comic readers like me who actually kept this damn industry alive long enough for these movies to be made. DC should take notice of these films and smarten up because their hero's films could be so much better.

1 comment:

comdyimprov said...

hooray for being 5(+)!