Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hey, He's From "Iron Man" 2! I mean "too"!

Just finished watching last week's "Lost" and last night's "Chuck", who knew they'd be connected!?

Sayid's father was played, ironically by Sayed Badrey. I said to Kim, "Hey, he's from "Iron Man"!" He was the first henchman bad guy he took out and left for the villagers to do what they wanted with ("He's all yours"). I thought that was neat.

Then we watched "Chuck" right after and holy shit, it's Shaun Toub and I said "Hey, he's from "Iron Man", too!". He played "Yinsen" who helped Tony Stark make the Mark 1 suit and now he's trying to kill Chuck! What a jerk!

Anyway, this concludes your lesson in synchronicity. Two seemingly unrelated events forming a common bond, in this case, the infection of the Iron Man movie on our television lives.

If you happen to be watching the Iron Man movie when you read this, that's just spooky.

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