Saturday, June 25, 2011

30 Day Comic Book Challenge: Day 08 - Best series being published

Day 08 - Best series being published right now.

Amazing Spider-Man

After "One More Day" and "Brand New Day" and all that crap, I was the last person on the planet who wanted to promote this book. However, being a true fan, I stuck with it. Granted, I still despise the way it got here but this book is consistently what it is supposed to be: fun.

My decision was a battle over Spidey and "Captain America" because this volume has been awesome way back from #1. Just too many Cap-themed things going on these days, bad timing maybe.

Though sometimes "Amazing" seems to be steering down a darker path, there are always fun moments and issues to remind you why you picked up Spidey in the first place. The recent "Avengers Academy" story was a filler but fun with a definite "Warner Bros. cartoon ending" that you have to take in stride.

I'm very glad Peter finally has a GOOD job after all these years of proving his genius. I say he's more than earned it. The only flaw is all the Spidey-Suits! I could put up with all the silly action figures that make no sense but now he's actually MAKING these suits in the books? Oh, brother.

I really enjoy a book that is consistent (Spidey, Cap, Green Lantern) as opposed to books that are serious or funny depending who writes them that month (Fantastic Four, Batman & Robin) and Spidey has been great for a long time. However, if "Thor" and "Captain America" movies are any indication, Marvel is going to flood the market with Spidey titles next year.

- Jeff

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