Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh, How Religion Angers Me

World Youth Day (WYD) in Australia is being blessed, if you believe in that kind of thing, by a visit from Pope Benedict XVI. Generally, I'm a 'to each his own' kind of guy but there are times when I just can't understand people's devotion to mass religion.
An article regarding the upcoming "WYD" I've read have really got me shaking my head that the subject of sexual abuse is being reported on so casually.

The article opens with: "Pope Benedict has begun a nine day visit to Australia, where he is due to apologize for decades of sexual abuse of children by priests." Now read that opener again and emphasize the word 'decades'. The story continued that "Climate change will also be a leading theme...". Are we that de-sensitized by the church being full of sexually perverted old men that all that we can think to consider is 'an apology is in order'?? Is that it? 'I think the Pope himself should apologize. You know, when he's here. He doesn't need to make a special trip or anything but definitely an apology if he's in town'. On a flight down to Australia, the Pope was bold enough to say to his mass of reporters, "It must be clear that being a real priest is incompatible with sexual abuse because priests are in the service of our Lord". A very open-ended, non-apologetic comment which I think he was basically trying to say "Priests aren't supposed to fuck young boys". Yeah, Pope, I think we were all kind of thinking the same thing already.
And speaking of climate change, "We have to face up to this great challenge and find the ethical capacity to change the situation of the environment for the good," said Pope Benedict. He also "made it clear he had no intention of addressing any specific political or technical questions about climate change". Well sure! That way, once generation after generation of the common man repair the damage that has been done, the church can say "Ooh look what our Lord has done for us!". In the meantime, thousands of little boys will have been sexually raped.

One priest making a big mistake is one thing but sexual abuse simply being commonplace is completely fucking ridiculous. I'm anything but religious, though I believe religion has it's place for personal peace, meditation and community...but this is just bullshit. Tomorrow someone will probably call me immature because I read comic books and like cartoons. At the same time, a man twice my age who believes "God" made everything (just as we see it today) in a week will convince an innocent young boy of the same thing...and then get that boy to suck his dick. This man will be well respected by his followers and make far more money than I will ever see. Meanwhile, I read my comics and people shake their head and wonder how I got to be this way.
Perhaps I need guidance...any suggestions?


Conor Chambers said...

well as a generally spiritual person, although i am mostly catholic i have a much broader view (personal opinion) which includes facets of many traditions, that fact that sexual abuse by priests is being spoken of so causually is quite simple. if it becomes common place and not taboo then it won't be such a big deal, and for an institution who believes in a black/white morality they seem to be pushing for a democratic base of popular opinion morals. the church has rarely ever said that anything it has done is wrong, we (speaking for all christians) have hardly apologized to the jewish community for the Inquisition or non-involment in the Holocaust (although some defied this and stood up). We have never apologized to the Islamic people for destroying their land during the Crusades. so as a catholic from what i can see of our religious past we're not so great at admitting our mistakes.

of course there is a great number of people who do acknowledge these faults but if you want to read a truly scary catholic publication look for Crusade Magazine. this magazine is a terrible example of catholic/christian views.

i hope that made sense

Jeff Penner said...

I have no issues with the personal experience of religion, as I mentioned. Praying is meditation (to a god or to a pencil), which calms us as spiritual beings. Faith will also give you a feeling of purpose and importance. These things I have no issue with as they are human nature.

It's when you try to say that the other parts of human nature aren't allowed in your religion that drives me nuts. Sexual desire is a major part of being human. Trying to keep that in check is a powder keg just waiting to explode and that's part of why this crap happens.

If just some guy rapes a boy, he's just some sick bastard. If a priest or pastor does it, he simply lost his way.

This is why I believe in Superman. Not the "Superman Returns" Superman, he's a home-wrecker. I mean the real Superman.

Conor Chambers said...

ok now i am zeroing in on your arguement more, i had a tangent to it last post. and i will again on this one, its a really bad essay.

perhaps they believe that the power of their spiritual connection can fulfill their needs. but for you pysc. people out there if you look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one needs a more human love to continue up the ladder. Pyscho-analysing the manner in which many priests live on can say that since most (assuming they directly entered the priesthood) become secluded quite quickly in their own areas, possibly away from their families, they do not have the chance to fulfill the 3rd level concerning love. with out this ability to move past this they will be stuck seeking "love" without having the chance to build a positive identity. this could be the psychological harm which causes them to violate their position.

as a matter of personal experience the best priests i have ever dealt with had the chance to live before deciding that they had a religious vocation.

but i am not going to finish by saying that the process to priesthood is to blame, these men still made the decision to act.

i'll try and be shorter but the subject of the seminary school process is a passion of mine, due to a priest who could not inspire Jesus to believe in God.

so key point: while the system to training priests sets the stage for these sexual abuse it is still the choice of the priest to act.

Jeff Penner said...

Blame the individual for the act.
Blame the church for a weak response and looking the other way.

America impeached Bill Clinton for lying about getting some blowjobs, so where's the similar outrage regarding this constant sexual abuse?
It has to get swept under the carpet because people don't like to discuss their religion since the more they talk about it, the less it makes sense. Fox News and CNN are owned by God-Mongers so they're on the side of the rapists!

I just really hate how stuff like this gets played down. Why are most of these people not in jail?

Conor Chambers said...

CNN and FOX news are about as reliable as the republican party...oh wait same deal.

there is too much of a double standard. the role modles fail because they are too perfect and its ok, the regular people fail and we suffer.