Friday, July 18, 2008

Watchmen Trailer - O...M...G...!

"Aargh! My physical self!"

If you don't understand the significance of "The Watchmen" then you need to go to a comic shop or Chapters and buy a copy of the 12-issue collection immediately. If you plan on seeing the movie next year, I beg you to read the book first, so this is plenty of time to plan.
You'll be sitting through a 3+ hour movie so you'll probably want to have a bit more of a stake in what's going on, you'll thank me later. The attachment to this book and story is historical, political and emotional for millions of people and with good reason. Released in the 80's, it quickly got the reputation as the anti-comic book, displaying a 3 decade span of the trials and tribulations of costumed superhero wannabe's, inspired by Superman's comic book debut. Having no super powers other than a passion to fight crime (aside from the later arrival of "Dr. Manhattan"), they all discover that they are all too human after all. With sexy results.

To the rest of us: Holy shitballs, Dr. Manhattan looks awesome! He's the one thing I didn't think would look right but there he is! I sold a furniture set to the lead sound mixer working on the film and I picked his brain for a good hour about the movie. He couldn't answer a lot of my questions but he assured me it was being true to the book from front to back.

If you missed the imbedded link above, here is the bitchin' trailer!

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